Treadmill Training
Treadmill Training is another method to facilitate ambulation in children with motor delays. According to a study led by Dale A. Urlich, PhD, it has been shown that children with Down syndrome who receive training on a treadmill, achieve independent walking at an average of 2-3 months before children with Down syndrome who do not receive this training. Today, this technique is also being used with children with other diagnoses.
The benefits of walking early allow the child to explore their environment in a more mature way, thus providing greater motor, cognitive, sensory, social and emotional development. Ambulation is a milestone that every parent worries about and stress is even greater in the population of families with children neurologically affected. As therapists, we know that the most important thing is that the child first develop the pre-ambulatory walking skills necessary, such as muscle strength, joint hip, knee and ankle stability and balance to walk properly. It is therefore important to work both types of exercises, pre-ambulatory and treadmill training exercises together to ensure good quality gait.

- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Early intervention through neurodevelopmental play
- Neuro-developmental Technique
- Importance of Therapeutic Play
- Myofascial Release (MFR)
- Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
- Kinesiotaping
- Treatment for Scoliosis
- Visual Stimulation
- Yoga for the Special Child ®
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Sensory Integration
- Compression Vest Therapy (Therasuit)
- Myofunctional Therapy
- Chronic Pain
- Modalities
- Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Pelvic Physical Therapy
- Treadmill Training
- Food School
- (CME) Cuevas Medek Exercises