Food School
A method based on the Sequential-Oral-Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding designed by Dr. Kay Toomey.
It is structured to train and rehabilitate feeding problems in children from 15 months onwards who refuse food, just eat a few things and generally are not well nourished. A child who does not like to eat can be a "picky eater" and may eventually make better food choices but there are others who have more severe issues and are problem feeders. There are 3 reasons why children do not eat. 1) Children who had a history of reflux, allergies, and nasogastric tubes or were intubated or had other gastro-intestinal problems associate food with pain and therefore refuse to eat. 2) Children with a high level of sensitivity may refuse to touch, feel different textures, smell and even avoid the sight of food. 3) Children who did not develop the orofacial muscles to bite chew and manipulate the food inside the mouth. We use the orofacial muscles differently in talking then for eating. This explains the reason some children speak perfectly but lack the muscle power and coordination to eat.
Food School is a program to evaluate and treat each area with a very positive philosophy to reduce the anxiety of the child and the family, offer patience and never force the child for what he may not be ready. Play is used to work the sensory areas, oral-motor skills to acquire the ability to chew and promote age appropriate feeding behaviors for oral-motor development. Routine is essential as well as providing support to the family. Food School is for learning, not necessarily to eat during the session, the process is slow but effective with the goal that children will learn to enjoy food, not just eat by force or by social pressure for family acceptance. Food should be pleasurable and that is our goal. In each session, we offer protein, fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates, puree, something crunchy and a liquid.

Loana Brizuela: Highly trained personnel show their knowledge of each therapy and demonstrates empathy with the children and care. My son loves to come and enjoys the sessions counting the days to return. Both he and I have learned a lot and continue to learn.
Suzie Taylor: Clinica RED is a wonderful place where children receive the support and love they need to improve in areas that they are having difficultly. My son has come a long way thanks to the excellent professionals with whom he recieves Occupational Therapy and Food School.
Teresita Madrigal: Clinica RED has been a crucial support for the recovery of our daughter Sofia, our family is very pleased with the service extended to us and most importantly the results. Sofi is 2 years and nine months old and this year on May 30 she suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest, leaving her with huge consequences, among these: sensory disorder which greatly influenced her feeding. Today my daughter has a better response to the food, she lost the fear of trying different things, improved chewing and learned to eat larger pieces and what is necessary. She has gained weight. Thanks to the Clinica RED team for the affection, humanity, dedication and recommendations. Happy mom because Sofi eats Super Great!!
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Early intervention through neurodevelopmental play
- Neuro-developmental Technique
- Importance of Therapeutic Play
- Myofascial Release (MFR)
- Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
- Kinesiotaping
- Treatment for Scoliosis
- Visual Stimulation
- Yoga for the Special Child ®
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Sensory Integration
- Compression Vest Therapy (Therasuit)
- Myofunctional Therapy
- Chronic Pain
- Modalities
- Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Pelvic Physical Therapy
- Treadmill Training
- Food School
- (CME) Cuevas Medek Exercises