Licensed Occupational Therapist
Graduated from New York University.
Helda graduated from New York University (NYU) in 1998 with her title and as a Licensed Occupational Therapist. She has over 18 years experience working in Early Intervention (children 0-3 years) and school therapy (7-18 years) and 10 years working with preschool age (4-6 years). Helda joined the therapy team at Clinica RED in 2006 where she has become an integral asset in providing a fuller understanding of a child’s needs through her specialties in the sensory and visual perceptual areas to better assist in the treatment process. She has experience in treating patients with difficulties in learning, fine motor delays, neurological diagnoses, sensory disturbances, and visual deficits impacting the performance of daily living in children. She has received certification and training in numerous therapeutic techniques among which being certification in Yoga For Children with Special needs developed by Sonia Sumer, certification in the dynamic method of stimulation kinesiology CME (Cuevas Medek Exercises), use and application of the Kinesiotape therapeutic taping; direct training of the founder of Handwritting Without Tears program; developed by an occupational therapist for introduction or remediation writing in children with or without diagnosis, and treatment for children with visual impairments impacting daily life. Additionally she has experience with the use of programs to facilitate bilateral integration (using both sides of the body and brain, for example Brain Gym and Bal-A-Vis-X) and ALERT (How Does Your Engine Run) program for self-regulation of children with attention deficit, hyper-activity or sensory disorders and improving school participation and performance at home.
Occupational therapists working in the area of vision adds something unique to a child’s treatment as they holistically focus on how vision plays an integral part in the gross and fine motor development of the child and in their performance across their home and school environment. From evaluating eye movements to determining how a child uses their vision to prepare their body for movement within their environment or forming the correct grasp; the occupational therapist is experienced in facilitating the integration of vision, movement and function.
Occupational therapists working in the area of vision adds something unique to a child’s treatment as they holistically focus on how vision plays an integral part in the gross and fine motor development of the child and in their performance across their home and school environment. From evaluating eye movements to determining how a child uses their vision to prepare their body for movement within their environment or forming the correct grasp; the occupational therapist is experienced in facilitating the integration of vision, movement and function.